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How do I purchase A painting?

I am more than happy to work on commissions! Please keep your requests consistent with my portfolio: florals, simple landscapes, abstracts, etc.  As I work on creating more pieces, please refer to my price chart and be aware that shipping will cost extra (I can give you an estimate once we have discussed the size of the painting and your zip code).  Simply message me on the "Contact" page below this one to communicate your interest in commissioning a painting or purchasing a painting you see in the "Paintings for Sale" tab.

Are any of the paintings I see on your site available for purchase?


Most of my work has already sold .  All galleries are for viewing only, so that you may see and enjoy my past work.  I will place all paintings that are currently for sale in the "Paintings for Sale" section of this site.  Remember: I am returning to commission work, so feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss a creation of your own imagining! 

I already commissioned you. How long will my painting take?

In March 2016, I made the decision, for very personal reasons, to drop my commissions.  Now that my health has improved, I am returning to commissioned work!  If you are still interested in purchasing a commissioned piece, please do not hesitate to reach out via my "Contact" tab on this site!  I thank you for your patronage and your interest in my work.  



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